Car Loan as of April 19, 2024
Model Year TermTerm APR as low as*Est. Payment/$1,000
(Years 2022 & Newer)Up to 60 Months5.99%$19.33
61 - 72 months6.49%$16.81
73 - 84 months**7.49%**$15.33**
85-96 months**8.49%**$14.39**
Used (Years 2016 to 2021)Up to 60 Months6.74%$19.68
61 - 72 months7.24%$17.16
73 - 84 months**8.24%**$15.71**
Older (Years 2015 and Older)Up to 60 Months7.49%$20.03
61 - 72 months7.99%$17.53
**Terms over 72 months have a minimum loan amount of $30,000

*Estimate includes principal and interest only. Annual Percentage Rates (APR) will vary from 5.99% APR to 17.49% APR. Financing available to qualified borrowers. Terms and conditions subject to credit union approval. Rates are determined by past credit history and year of vehicle. Rates do not apply to refinance of an existing loan with Advantage Federal Credit Union. Rates subject to change without notice. Proceeds for auto purchase transactions will only be payable to the sellers of vehicles. Proceeds for auto refinance transactions will be payable to the creditor currently holding the lien with a balance owed for the amount of that lender’s written payoff per Advantage terms and conditions. Membership subject to eligibility. Other terms are available. Limited time offer.
APR = Annual Percentage Rate