Money Market as of April 19, 2024
BalanceDividends PaidRateAPY
Up to $9,999Monthly0.05%0.05%
$10,000 - $24,999Monthly0.08%0.08%
$25,000 - $49,999 Monthly0.10%0.10%
$50,000 and UP Monthly0.12%0.12%
Money Market PLUS as of April 19, 2024
BalanceDividends PaidRateAPY
$0 - $74,999Monthly0.00%0.00%
$75,000 - $124,999Monthly0.15%0.15%
$125,000 - $199,999Monthly0.16%0.16%
$200,000 and $399,999Monthly0.18%0.18%
$400,000 and UPMonthly2.00%2.02%

*Minimum balance to open is $2,500. Interest is paid monthly and is calculated using the daily balance method. Minimum balance required to maintain the account is $2,000. Balance below $2,000 are assessed a monthly $5.00 service charge.

**Minimum balance to open is $75,000. Interest is paid monthly and is calculated using the daily balance method.

Rates are subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings.

APY= Annual Percentage Yield